MQ and problems with Samethia


Dalayan Beginner
My wife and I did the MQ up to the High seeker telling us to go to the Heartlands and pick a faction. We picked a faction (CoI) and did all the quests in the Heartlands and got our upgraded council badge and all that stuff. We decided to call it a night and work more on it the next day.

I opened up the wiki to see that after we finish the quests in the Heartlands we should of got a #4 dialogue to set up a meeting with the Great Dryad to continue with the MQ. Our problem arises with Researcher Delig not giving us the option to speak with the great dryad. We have tried manually inputting the words and the like hoping to get the dryad to spawn but delig does nothing. We have waited in the heartlands for 4 hours and no dryad.

I even went far as getting my druid caught up on the MQ to that exact same part to spawn the dryad. My questions are... Is there a way to get the Great Dryad to spawn or are we screwed? Also I am going to attempt to initate a meeting with the great dryad on my druid with my mage box and my wife,but I do not know if the Dryad despawns after giving the dirt? is there enough time to get it completed with the mage and my wife's toon as well. any info is appreciated. I'd really hate to think that if you do not initiate the meeting after getting your badge and log out that you are srcrewed permanently. Shouldn't Delig have the dialogue there permanently until you choose to arrange the meeting?
Any Info on Samethia would be appreciated. Is there a way to get her to spawn if you didn't initiate the meeting with Delig after getting your upgraded badge?

Does she despawn immetiately after giving the Dirt ?
Still looking for anyone who knows how to get the Dryad to spawn for the MQ, or can answer a solution to my problem.Hoping to find out an answer before I open a petition about it.


IIRC, you have to decline all the offers from factions, finish the Dryad quest from Tesia, then join a faction. I hope that's not the case, though. If so, you might be hosed.
This is aggrivating.

I already joined CoI, I already did tesia's quest. I did all the heartland CoI quests to get the dryad to spawn. instead of spawning her, I decided to wait until the next day. I got my upgraded augment from delig and logged. I logged in the next day only to see I no longer have the option to summon the great dryad.

Looking for some official word or work around for this please. It is looking towards a bug at this point.
Did you absolutely max your COI faction and get the ssecond badge..or did you stop at teh first one?
We just did the available quests in the heartlands for CoI. You are supposed to do those then you can get the dialogue to start the meeting with the great dryad. We were tired so we decided to just get our upgraded aug and do the meeting the next day. The problem is that there is now no 4th dialogue texts available when we logged in.

there is only

-[D1] What is the purpose of this excavation?
-[D2] I want to advance in rank.
-[D3] I am looking for tasks to do.

There was a fourth dialogue text before we logged out, but when we logged in the text is not available and nobody seems to know what to do or how to fix it.
I am still looking for a reply from an official source on this bug please.

Could someone with authority please help. This is just ridiculous.
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The names are

Jace my 65 mage

Mesi my wifes 65 wizard

I was thinking, maybe there could be a work-up for that part of the quest like Delig (and the other two leaders of faction) are able to spawn Samethia indefinitely until you get the dirt from Samethia, or just make the meeting a permanent option after you do all the heartland quests from the three leaders. There is currently no way to get her to spawn once a problem like ours occurs. Which makes the MQ not completable
Go speak with High Seeker Gavin. Did you follow the quest dialog and journal entries in game or did you do the quest off the wiki?
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