MQ 3 side quest problem


Dalayan Beginner
[edit] Just tried hailing the old tree again after logging in later in the day, and all worked correctly. So I guess if anyone else ends up having this same thing happen, just wait awhile :) [/edit]

So I was running to Rivervale to get the treasure for the MQ part 3 side quest, and it was 7 pm. So I decided to look around for "an old tree" so I knew where to run after getting the map from Jordor the Lost.
When I found it, I hailed it (I just woke up, and wasn't thinking clearly) and two halfling skeletons spawned. So, I cussed myself out for starting that part prematurely, and ran off to get the map without killing the two halflings.
After getting the map I went back to the tree and killed the two skeletons... and nothing happened. I wasn't really expecting much to happen yet, I figured I'd need to re-hail the tree and start the script over. But now the tree doesn't respond at all. *sigh*

Did I ruin the quest for myself? Do I just need to wait for something to reset?

Thanks for any input/help

P.S. Sorry if some of this doesn't make sense. I am still kinda groggy right now.
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