MQ 2 - Answering to Seeker Tresaria


Dalayan Adventurer
I have my books out. She's asking me "What did the first shamans of the iksar race call themselves?" and I can't find the answer anywhere.

I've looked in "A Look at Racial Histories", "The Earilest Creation", and "Gods of Dalaya" and there's never any mention of the first iksar shamans ever calling themselves anything.

I even went back to Grobb and tried hailing Spirit Talker Grekal but he didn't say anything.
its in there just not straight forward like the rest of the questions took me like 5+ trys to get it right :dance:
Wiz specifically said he DOES NOT want this information posted and/or added to the wiki. It's not going kill you to read a little lore.
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