most desirable classes / duos


Dalayan Beginner
So, I've not yet gotten to any high lvl content in SoD (Though, I can't wait!) so I'm at a loss as to which classes / duos might be most desirable to groups/guild/raids.

I know that this question is VERY opinion based, so, I guess what I'm looking for is a bunch of different opinions.

*note I'm not concerned which is the BEST to duo with (for soloability) just which you feel is most desirable (single or duo).
If you hope to join an established raiding guild at some point, do not roll a tank!
Awww, but I love my SK on *the other server*

But, so you're saying healer or dps?

I think nwaij mainly meant to say don't roll a warrior.

SK/pal etc are fine, but warriors are strapped on guildinvites to established raiding ones.
Awww, but I love my SK on *the other server*

But, so you're saying healer or dps?

It's not all that likely that an established raiding guild will be looking to recruit newbie tanks so be prepared to start from the bottom with a start-up guild if you go this route. You can still raid, but you'll likely have to start at the beginning.
When you say "high content", do you mean the dedicated raid game, or the casual "high level" experience?

If the later, in my limited experience, tanks (especially Warriors) are way too few and far between.

When you say "high content", do you mean the dedicated raid game, or the casual "high level" experience?

If the later, in my limited experience, tanks (especially Warriors) are way too few and far between.


Well, to be honest, I'm not sure yet what "high" I mean. Right now, I've been testing out the different classes and have my highest character at like lvl 13, so I've still got tons of research to do on learning the game. I'm trying to come up with a good compromise of class(es) that I enjoy playing, and what is most in need out there in the world.

I doubt I'll be going for uberzerg raid stuff though (but you never know what the future holds, right =) )
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