MoP map labels


Dalayan Beginner
hi, kinda a new player here on SoD. Totally lovin this so far. Im having a weird problem tho, not sure how it started or how to resolve it

I have recently been bouncing thru the MoP to get to and from destinations to start working on my main quest. However, randomly (and suddenly) now the map labels in the MoP just decide not to show up. No idea why this started happening, every other zone so far the labels work great and without fail. It just seems like randomly now the MoP labels dont wanna show up, and its a little frustrating because I dont know all the portal locations by memmory yet. Any suggestions on how to fix this or some sort of explination why this is happening? Any help would be appriciated. Thanks!
yeah i fixed it. i dont know how the labels cleared, because i certainly didnt do it from that tool in the map box. i redownloaded the sod gamefiles zip and copied the vex_thal1 map back into the sony/everquest/maps directory and labels are working again. but idk how they cleared in the first place cuz like i said, i didnt click clear labels. weird.
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