Well, its been in the pre-planning stages for some time now, the next big Moontree event. So I thought I would release some details about it.
For those of you that don't know what Moontree is yet, if you have been playing a while, climb out from under that rock! We may not be big, but I like to think our reputation precedes us on most of SoD. But all joking aside, we are a guild of players that take time and joy in helping other players out, specificity new ones. This includes offering gear at no cost or a reduced rate. Spending time in newbie zones buffing players, and doing single pulls etc. I even get the chance to answer an occasional question here and there. All in all we want to make SoD an even BETTER place to be!
That being said, I am sure you are all asking, what is this new event? Well, some of you may remember out last 2 events, that basically involved collecting as many of a specific item or 2 as you can, with a few hour period. We are going to try and expand on that, creating a multi-day scavenger hunt that will promote new players to use the wiki, ask for directions, and yes, even ask a higher level character for a bit of help getting a specific item. We may even throw a bit of SoD lore trivia in with it all, and even ask them to make some simple tradeskill items so they can learn a bit about the tradeskill system. It will all be designed (I hope) to introduce new players into the many fun and exciting areas and aspects of the game they may not knew existed.
This time, most further details about the event will be hosted on the Moontree form site at:
Now, its time of course, for the standard Moontree appeals for donations. As I am sure many of you can guess, running these events is rather expensive (in pp anyway) believe it or not, less then 50% of the value of the stuff given away is donated, and Moontree only has one active member, me. Donations are always welcome in the form of items (listsend any time, but please send me a pvt on here, so I know to log in and collect them) You can listsend to Apleh, Pefla, Sillic, Alosia, Malachia, Malachib, and Moonlabs. Plat donations are also of course welcome. You can plan to meet me in game, or I can send some vendor trash to a specific toon at the specified price. As well, if you have a specific request on how your donation is handled, we will do the best we can to accommodate. (For example for one donation we received 1,000pp, with the request it was given to a single new player.) If you have no preference, that is fine as well, and we will use your donation for the good of new players. We never keep donations for ourselves, unless instructed that we can take a few pieces for our personal characters.
NOTE: Moontree events are held entirely by Moontree members, and have no affiliation with SoD staff. Any questions, concerns or comments should be addressed to myself.
For those of you that don't know what Moontree is yet, if you have been playing a while, climb out from under that rock! We may not be big, but I like to think our reputation precedes us on most of SoD. But all joking aside, we are a guild of players that take time and joy in helping other players out, specificity new ones. This includes offering gear at no cost or a reduced rate. Spending time in newbie zones buffing players, and doing single pulls etc. I even get the chance to answer an occasional question here and there. All in all we want to make SoD an even BETTER place to be!
That being said, I am sure you are all asking, what is this new event? Well, some of you may remember out last 2 events, that basically involved collecting as many of a specific item or 2 as you can, with a few hour period. We are going to try and expand on that, creating a multi-day scavenger hunt that will promote new players to use the wiki, ask for directions, and yes, even ask a higher level character for a bit of help getting a specific item. We may even throw a bit of SoD lore trivia in with it all, and even ask them to make some simple tradeskill items so they can learn a bit about the tradeskill system. It will all be designed (I hope) to introduce new players into the many fun and exciting areas and aspects of the game they may not knew existed.
This time, most further details about the event will be hosted on the Moontree form site at:
Now, its time of course, for the standard Moontree appeals for donations. As I am sure many of you can guess, running these events is rather expensive (in pp anyway) believe it or not, less then 50% of the value of the stuff given away is donated, and Moontree only has one active member, me. Donations are always welcome in the form of items (listsend any time, but please send me a pvt on here, so I know to log in and collect them) You can listsend to Apleh, Pefla, Sillic, Alosia, Malachia, Malachib, and Moonlabs. Plat donations are also of course welcome. You can plan to meet me in game, or I can send some vendor trash to a specific toon at the specified price. As well, if you have a specific request on how your donation is handled, we will do the best we can to accommodate. (For example for one donation we received 1,000pp, with the request it was given to a single new player.) If you have no preference, that is fine as well, and we will use your donation for the good of new players. We never keep donations for ourselves, unless instructed that we can take a few pieces for our personal characters.
NOTE: Moontree events are held entirely by Moontree members, and have no affiliation with SoD staff. Any questions, concerns or comments should be addressed to myself.