Monk Skill Bug


Dalayan Beginner
Hi, I just started a Monk and have reached level 11.

I've noticed from time to time, my combat skills don't work (kick, round kick, etc).

I press the hotkey, and it grays out, but there's no report in the combat log whether the skill hits or misses, and there is no animation either.

Not sure how to reproduce or fix the issue, it comes and goes, but when it doesn't work, the problem will often last for at least a full fight.

I've asked a level 22 Monk in game, and he has the same problem.

I searched the forums and didn't notice anyone reporting this, so I figured I'd post myself.
Is this perhaps from an attack that is not part of a combo in the combo system? Could be a result of a failed combo from incorrect attack.
It's most likely the fact that special attacks have a slightly smaller range than auto attacks, so sometimes when you fight something you can be auto attacking just fine but none of your specials will do anything until you move closer to your target. I'm also pretty sure a laggy connection can mess with this too.
My connection seemed fine--definitely no major change in latency or packet loss during the times when the special attacks work and when they don't.

I'll test the skill at as close of a range as I can get the next time I have a problem and will post back here again with my results.
As a follow up, I tested the skills at very close range, and haven't had the problem since. Thanks for the help, Dinadass.
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