MMO Vet, SoD n00b


Dalayan Beginner
Looking forward to a trip down memory lane. Played EQ when it was released, up through Planes of Power, EQOA, EQ2, SWG, Vangard, PotBS, WoW, DDO...even old school MUDs.

But I still long for those old school EQ days from time to time.

I'm currently installing a copy of EQ Anniversary that I bought to show my wife the roots of the games we play now, so I'm hoping that one will be enough to run SoD.

Looking forward to checking it out and meeting some old MMO vets.
Awesome man! same here - playing EQ way back was so much fun as a kid -
just recently installed EQ 'titanium' on my comp.
MMO vets that find their way to SoD come in three varieties:

(1) spoiled kids that suck and need to get banned from all of those games,

(2) people who blow through content in a month, get bored, and move on, and

(3) people looking for a higher quality community of "MM" in their ORPGs.

Doesn't sound like your (1), and good luck blowing through all the content here quickly if you're (2). If you're (3), you'll love it here.

See ya in game~
I was in beta3 from live. I stayed as long as it took me to get my monk the whistling fists and called it quits.. Yes this game (SoD) is pretty fun. Alot of familiar old zones but renamed abit. I still call mielech-a/b upper/lower guk. Cazic Thule is now a ... gah cant remember the name (LOL) and good ol crushbone is now ... bah lol cant remember the name haha

unrest is shroded island! (or something liek that)

anyways, some of the old zones are in the game but some of the old famous targets of those old zones are not.

Welcome! If ya need some help doing a quest or two, im usually bored.
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