Mithotyn here ;>


Dalayan Beginner
I guess I should go ahead and do this since I browse the forums all day at work and post from time to time ;>

Im pretty new to the SoD world, I came here with 2 friends and we have made 2 more in the first few days of playing so we have a pretty nice static 5 person group at the moment, Warrior, Monk, Cleric, Necro, Rogue (or enchanter). Enough about them tho, I know why we are here...A little background of myself.

I started playing LIVE back when it was still fun and 9.99 a month to play =>. Played originally on Tallon Zek then went to Ayonae Ro. After a few years I lost interest in the game and got into World of Warcraft phase 2 closed beta. I dont want to get into details of that game too much lol, but I played an undead rogue to cap of each phase of beta and then when beta ended...I started playing EQ2, where I was one of the first berserkers worldwide and stayed in the double digits for the race to 50 all the way up to level 45 when I realized that the game sucked.

At that point I felt that WoW was the best alternative because I had fallen so far behind in EQ, So I started playing my Gnome Rogue on Kil'Jaeden where I raided alot and quit and went back a few times all the way up to recently where I made it to the last boss of the game "C'thun" and was totally unimpressed.

Im a real class act nerd...Im into heavy metal music \m/ and I play in a pretty regular D&D game with some friends, at one our gaming sessions my friend told me about SoD, my interest was more than peeked and within a day from that point I was on the path to installing. After I installed 3 days of playing netted me level 23, now work has swamped me for this week but im still planning on going at a good pace.

Anyway I digress, I will be looking for a guild soon, along with my friends....5 of us total =D, and Im always up to chat I do nothing but sit at my desk and stare at the wall all day at work so feel free to look me up :>

Aim: Fameousamon
MSN: [email protected]

Take it easy,
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