Mistwoods Quest NPC does not respond


Dalayan Beginner
The NPC Anval Falakor in Mistwoods by the small dock to the west:

Anval Falakor says: "Yikes! Don't sneak up on me like that, it's not good for me or the fish.
I thought you were one of those thugs that were harassing me earlier"
-[D1] What? Why would you think I'm a thug?

You say: What? Why would you think I'm a thug?

(this is the seemingly broken part) nothing happends when you try to continue the dialog. is this just a bug? or is there something I'm missing, tried both typing /cm d1 and the whole sentence...

most likely just a minor glitch, but might be worth checking out.

P.S - Sorry if this thread does not belong in this forum, I'm sure I'm Blind, but i couldn't find any other Bug reporting forum.
I believe you must earn a Defender's Insignia by helping the Erudin guards with the bandits before Anval will turn to you for help.
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