Misc. broken factions thread


Dalayan Beginner
Not exactly "quest" stuff, but I thoguht faction might belong more in the quest discussion than elsewhere...

Maybe they aren't broken but merely ON the wrong faction...

I was in Blackburrow last night passing out haste rings and such to lowbies and killed a few gnolls. I noticed that gnoll faction went down, but it did not give a message about centaur faction at all. With all the talk about broken factions lately, this sounded like it might be related.

Also, killing goblins in Heartlands does not lower faction with them. All goblins are indifferent to start with my human mage also. I seem to recall all my other characters being KOS to them to start...

Wyverns are now indifferent (to human magician) and non-social in wyvernfang coast. ie - no adds when fighting one and another roams close by.
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