Minimum connection for playing

Darian Maliken

Dalayan Beginner
I just want to know what is the minimum speed I can connect at and still be able to play tolerably well? I'm asking on the off chance being stuck at 28.8kbps doesn't mean I can't play SoD.
Well, 28.8 is the minimum for EQ, so I would say that it would work for you. Won't be the fastest around but it will get you by.
28.8 should work, just make sure to play with as much filtered out as possible.
Thread necromancy I'm sure but I have a feq questions byond whats been asked already. Specificly, what settings should I use for such a low connection? Does this server filter everything at the server level or do I have to add a switch to a config file to do that(after all no sense in filtering if it al lgoes to the client anyway)?
I would play around with things to see what helps out but some suggestions would be to play with old models (uncheck everything), turn off spell effects, turn sky off, lower clip plane. Those are some things that I use to lighten the memory (system and video) to reduce lag for myself.

Those are some examples, not to where I can log in to give more options to look at and adjust. I also spoke with a friend that still plays live on a 56K and those are the same things he tweaks (but he says he does it more for his cheaper video card than for his connection).
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