Mercury raids


Dalayan Pious Diety
Looking to kill Mercury:

He has some very good unlisted loot including the item that summons skysplitters and a pet summoning clicky. He drops relics and the trash clear to him can rarely drop int caster archaic frags.

My guild is a bunch of whiny butts about rust and doing it so I have to ask other people for help so here is the low down:

1) I'll provide the gems to kill it
2) I can provide the main tank and any other class necessary to kill it
3) I claim the kneepads, the rest of the loot will probably be random 1k for all the dudes who can use it.
4) If you have the gems I might be nice and stomp the other named mobs in the factory for you, pending they are up/time permits.

Time: Who knows he tends to die a lot so its more like you post interest here with your toon names and if hes up and I'm on and I am in the mood we curb stomp a robot.

Requirements: Not much but you should have a sizable chunk(120+) of aa to not be deadweight during the clear. emphasis on the dead part. I can be lenient because rust is not that hard if the tanks aren't being bad.
I am down for it, I am light on your AA req, but I have a clue what I am doing, so it doesn't hurt me much.
Well, I never say no to a raid (ok, I do, but its rare). So if its on a euro friendlytime that you feel that you want to do this look for me and you will probably have a force of 4 chars willing to help. (Me and hubby both plays and boxes one char each.)

Bst - Agiktesse
Mage - Satrig
Druid - Ganlas
Wizzy - Agikbambi
I have been busy/lazy as hell but i still intend to do this at some point dont let that meso guy one up me
Please bug me in irc whenever you get Rust raids going, I can bring enc in dire need of archaic and whichever other class.
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