Memory unreadable?


Dalayan Beginner
when i log into EQ i can get to the character selection screen and then the client crashes and it tells me that the memory is unreadable. If you need the exact error code i can get it for you, but other than that i have an GeForce 310m an i7 sec gen (quad and hyperthreaded) 4gigs of ddr3 ram 64bit windows 7... its a sony vaio ... I have the button selected for processor binding.

im not sure iff there is any more info i can give you that will help. Let me know if any one else has incountered this problem and if any one has a potential fix.

Thanks in advance.

The error code is:

The instruction at 0x77e343b0 referenced memory at 0x00000103. The memory could not be read.

Click OK to terminate the program.
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Got this same error message running windows vista today, turn the graphics settings down. I know turning all the graphics settings off works, but you can tinker around and see which are the culprits.
well in the options on the connect screen i have turned everything off, or to its lowest. Still didnt help. where can i go ingame (assuming i can keep it running long enough) to configure this stuff? its been a while sense i had to change anything in EQ lol
If you can get it running long enough press alt-o to get to the options menu. I know you can adjust some graphics options in the display tab there. Are you sure you have tried turning down the resolution? Try 800x600 with all of the graphics options turned off (especially texture caching) and the detail down to medium.
well i just reinstalled the Nvidia driver for my less than awesome (but godly for EQ any way) video card and things work fine... i cant update my video card drivers now because it only seems to work with this older version of the driver, but its a small price to pay.

Ill see you in game ;)
I'm glad you found a fix! I just installed SoD yesterday after ~2 1/2 years downtime and ran into this problem.

/t Kopuz in game :)
Usually, that sort of memory error is caused by having game resolutions set higher than the monitor supports.

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