Whenever I try to open up the mcafee control center, or the mcafee privacy service, it begins to download the patcher files and go to the patcher, any similar problems?
Ok well it seems as though some part of the patch has changed the file called Progam1 in the harddrive. Mcafee likes to use that file and eq does also. So when mcafee goes looking for that file and runs it, it starts the eq patcher by accident. Anyone have any idea how to remedy this situation?
Have never liked McAfee. Cost me a lot of time few years ago where it's scheduled update caused a failure in the Netware software thus meaning that 70 some pc's could not connect to the network bleh bleh bleh you can guess how my day went.
Hell I'd use the AVG Free edition before I'd use McAfee again at this point. ( www.grisoft.com ) but have yet to have Symantec let me down to date though I do prefer thier plain Antivirus software over thier suites. Personally I use the Corporate version for all my machines at the house.
I was getting an unhandled exceptions error after the server selection screen, saw this thread, and decided to turn off macafee. Now im currently logging on, guess macafee really is evil /shrug