Maybe returning


Dalayan Beginner
Hello fellow Shardians..

I have played here SEVERAL times, but I always find a reason for quitting, for some bizarre reason.

I might be returning but I have some questions to ask before I do:

#1: How is the population? Is it still around 300 - 400 for prime time hours?

#2: How is the economy?

#3: How populated are the rather newbish zones?

I've been MMO less for a some months and am quite bored. I am currently waiting for Saga of Ryzom to re-release and I miss my EQ days, so I figured, why not play SoD? :)

Any help would be awesome.

Hello fellow Shardians..

I have played here SEVERAL times, but I always find a reason for quitting, for some bizarre reason.

I might be returning but I have some questions to ask before I do:

#1: How is the population? Is it still around 300 - 400 for prime time hours?

#2: How is the economy?

#3: How populated are the rather newbish zones?

I've been MMO less for a some months and am quite bored. I am currently waiting for Saga of Ryzom to re-release and I miss my EQ days, so I figured, why not play SoD? :)

Any help would be awesome.


1) Relatively, it's the summer.
2) eh
3) not very
Joe....all you need to know is.....the new expansion is coming.................death to the Iksar on their home turf!
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