Master Vastann won't give in!


Dalayan Beginner
Hey, I'm trying to do the Vastann quest and he isn't dropping a bag. I hailed and waited till it said he dropped something but I look all around and don't find nething around me.
If no1 can help then I'll be starting a new monk, my monk is lvl 6 so it won't worry me.
When you get to him, sit then hail him. Now do something for 20 minutes or so while you wait for him to drop letter. During the time you are waiting don't type anything, I wouldn't (and didn't) even touch my keyboard.
I did all that but nothing was on the ground, like I said above ur post! I made a new monk to have him do a quest and just take the letter with my old monk. but the new monk cant make it into halas alive, making me very pissed off, plus cant get an escourt to it. :mad:
My son's monk just did this last night. The sit and don't do anything method for 20 mins works just fine. Try again bud.
HAHA! I gots it, I made a noob monk and got the letter through him! He must not like me very well. :?
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