Massive moontree scavenger hunt event update - new players may want to read this


Dalayan Adventurer
Well. I have done a bit more research and planning into the next moontree event. Thanks to all those that bought some of our 50/50 tickets and to those that just donated outright. We raised over 1k during those two 50/50 draws, some from tickets and the rest from others that just donated during the selling of the tickets, as well as the donations of some items. Thank you.

Now with the thank yous out of the way, it's time to announce the start date. I am quite sure the start date for the scavenger hunt will be Monday sometime. It has not yet been decided how long it will run for, but I imagine it will at least run untill winners have been decided.
This is how it will work. A list of items will be posted on the Moontree message board. Most of the items will be easily obtainable by lower (up to level 40) charcters. Some items you may need to ask for a bit of help, or go vendor diving for, however those items will be common enough they will be easily obtained. When all the items are collected, you will need to contact me somehow. Either msging me I game, or contacting me here, and we will verify all items have been collected as soon as possible, hopefully immedeatly. Winners will be decided by closly guarded Moontree secrets, but being the first to obtain all the items is one of the top deciding factors. Winners will be announced on the Moontree message board, and post will be created on the SoD forums announcing a winner has been decided in each category. We have prizes for 3 categories. Melée class, wisdom caster class, and inteligence caster class. As well as a grand prize of either an escort by Moontree member(s) to obtain Vingrins wand of animation, or of the grand prize winner cannot use, a thurg or starfall quest item. For any questions, please come to the Moontree board and I will reply to them there as expediantly as possible. Click the banner below or come to:

note: this event is planned and held by Moontree guild, and if not in any way affiliated with SoD staff. Any questions or concerns should be addressed to me directly

note 2: this message was posted from my iPhone, so please take understanding in any errors.
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