Mandy Wandersong?


Dalayan Beginner
I am having trouble starting her quest! When I hail her, she does not reply... I am a LVL 18 Bard. Do I need to be a higher level, or is this just a bug?
Which quest, the first or the second? If I recall, you have to be of a certain level to do the quests.. but I don't recall exactly which level.
I am now lvl 32 Bard... still cant hail Mandy... I even tried starting an enchanter and getting her to lvl 4 so I could cast human illusion... still didn't work... any info?
Petition a gm to check it in game. I believe you need lvl 20 or so for the first quest, and 35 for the second. (Been a long time since I did them.)
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