Mana and stamina not regening


Dalayan Beginner
I am fairly new to the game and have been playing for only a few days now, but as i logged onto my cleric this afternoon i noticed i can no longer regen mana or stamina the bars just stay empty no matter if i am sitting or standing, I have tried to cast a spell and it always says insuficient mana, same with jumping, it always says i am too fatigued to jump!

I also have a Shadowknight and a shaman and both seem to be regening normally.

I have zoned a few times, logged out and back in and nothing is working. anyone ever heard of this or have any suggestions as to how i might fix it?
you could be out of food/water and that is why you cant regen it back and that is most likely what happened, find someone who can summon you some food/water or buy some cheap stuff. If it's not that, i have no clue
neonovas said:
you could be out of food/water and that is why you cant regen it back and that is most likely what happened, find someone who can summon you some food/water or buy some cheap stuff. If it's not that, i have no clue
You beat me to the punch. It's almost certainly hunger or thirst, by the sound of it.
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