Malath NPC... where is he?? it... and the missing gate neck

Kirin Folken

Dalayan Elder
Way back when relgion first went in wwith those gate necks, my froglok shaman gate neck just poofed (all frogloks of malath gate necks I found out puffed). Talking to a few people they subjested trying to hail the Malath NPC on SoS. HOwever going over that island many many times I have yet to find any NPC for malath.

Kinda stuck here, anyone ever find the Malath NPC or know anything about the missing gate necks for worshippers of malath (Frogloks that are not paladins didn't have a choice about deitys)
Don't think you can pledge to Malath on your own will. He's kinda the ruler of the frogloks and old lands of magic, not an elemental deity - or am I mistaken ?
The gate necks will prolly be given to worshippers once its plane is in, but that needs confirmation.

EDIT : my bad
Asides from the main pantheon previously available, you will also be able to swear to Malath or the Divine Light
From Wiz. So I guess it will be possible.
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