Main Quest.. Why do so many seem to avoid it?

Kirin Folken

Dalayan Elder
I keep a list of names of players I encounter so I can look them up later on to see what kind of gear they have. I know rather odd.. but its been a great help in finding out what kind of gear is out there.

Something that I have noticed is a an almost total lack of Main quest Augs on most toons. I would say 80% of those I look up dont even have the first aug. Of thsoe that have the started the Main quest I would say only 5% have anything past the first aug.

For me this seems realy werid.. and I have even got some very odd questions since both my toons have there MQ4 augs (I completed them at level 42)

Do alot of people just ignore the Main quest? or is the Main quest really not well know in general?
Kirin Folken said:
I keep a list of names of players I encounter so I can look them up later on to see what kind of gear they have. I know rather odd.. but its been a great help in finding out what kind of gear is out there.

Something that I have noticed is a an almost total lack of Main quest Augs on most toons. I would say 80% of those I look up dont even have the first aug. Of thsoe that have the started the Main quest I would say only 5% have anything past the first aug.

For me this seems realy werid.. and I have even got some very odd questions since both my toons have there MQ4 augs (I completed them at level 42)

Do alot of people just ignore the Main quest? or is the Main quest really not well know in general?

If you are a caster and want to get relics or ancient spells you will have to complete the MQ to the 4th seeker rune part (aka the key to erimal). I waited till 65 on all three of my toons to get my MQ augs, but the quest was also implemented when they were well on their way to 65 anyways. I've heard it's really good xp at the appropriate levels so I'm not sure why anyone would want to skip it to be honest. Not to mention the free stats on the class specific augs! :dance:

Being that you HAVE to start the dream when you start a new character, it's hard to believe the quest initiated there is not well known. One would have to literally ignore it to miss it.
Definitly, this quest is put right in your face and they all but hand you the first aug really.

The Xp is fantastic for the main quest at the levels you first can complete each part. Heck I think its part of MQ2 that you get 200000xp!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes thats not a typo, later there is also a 100000 xp gained, with alot of 5k, 10ks and a 25k xp gains along the way. Of course this got me into trouble.. I ment to stop at 42 so I could do a few of the adepts, and hailed one of the quest NPC, since there was no turn in I figured it would'nt be much xp (I wasn't very far into 42) imagine my surpise when I dinged 43!! from talking to him LOL ops.

Never really thought about the epic spell part, thats just another incentive to complete the main quest.

Not to mention the faction aug you aquire along the way :)

So really the main quest gives you 2 Fantastic Augs and a crap load of xp. (plus a few items on the way)

I should also mention its a great way to learn about the world of Dalaya, I give 5 ***** stars to who ever wrote up the main quest. Great job!!
there are some of us who unfortunately have bad faction with certain necessary factions of the main quest. That's a detterent as well as not having a huge amount of play time for questing and such
Also Im through the 4th part already at 57 and now im wishing i wouldve waiting until lvl 60 to even start, because 200k exp at 60 goes much further than it did at lvl 30.
Daelius said:
there are some of us who unfortunately have bad faction with certain necessary factions of the main quest. That's a detterent as well as not having a huge amount of play time for questing and such

My play time is very sporadic, and a lot of times, I don't get to play much if at all. Contrary to not doing the main quest, the main quest has allowed me to gain a lot of xp on chars that don't have time to get into groups and grind.

Soulmonger said:
Also Im through the 4th part already at 57 and now im wishing i wouldve waiting until lvl 60 to even start, because 200k exp at 60 goes much further than it did at lvl 30.

As for waiting till 60, theres a lot of places to grind at 60, and I would say that groups are more plentiful. My experience is that getting to 60 using quests and such is much easier than grouping, and then group at higher lvls. Also, it's worth noting that lots of quests won't give the xp at higher lvls, only at the lvl's appropriate to the quest. I haven't seen this apply to any parts of the main quest, but it very well could.
I think all the running around turns people off. I'm pretty sure everyone at some point goes through their MQ at least on their first toon, finishing it or not. Knowing what it takes to do it(hours and hours and hours if you can't port yourself around and even having ports it takes hours and hours)I'm sure a lot of people just say to hell with it on alts, but the ones like me will do it everytime. It's all about twinking your character to the max to be the best they can be aug wise. To this day I still despise heartlands factioning to get MQ done. But, the aug you get out of it makes the trouble worth it.
If you wait till 64 to start it entirely you can get around 300k exp by hailing people. makes 64 go by a good lot quicker.
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