Main Quest, Priestess flag


Dalayan Beginner
Well, seems I just keep coming back, eh? Anyways, I have gotten to the part in MQ where you are suppose to kill the spectres of corruption. I had left this part for a day or two, because I could not stay up till the 8pm spawn. I tried this part once more just now, and nothing. The priestess doesn't respond to my hails, and there is no message when I kill the spectres, nor does she respond after I killed them. Would love this to be fixed ASAP <3

EDIT: I did, at first od this with my bear. then was told that it could not be done with pets. So I tried it this morning with nukes, still nothing. Thanks for the suggestion though Beit. =D
I know that you like to work with your pet bear a lot. These 4 kills MUST be done by yourself and not by stuff like... pet bears! Did you do that?

Still have the same problem, been a couple months now. Just got back from a well needed SoD break.
Just an FYI, the quest was changed to only require 1 kill recently(without my knowledge, which is why I couldn't find anything "wrong" with it). I just uploaded a fix to both Priestess Andrenia and Taroceth the Decaying for folks who may have killed/strengthened more than one spectre and then took a break from playing.

Give it a try and let me know if the quest works for you now.
Horrible >.<

Still absolutely nothing. Killed the spectre, no message. Hailed the priestess before and after, she doesn't respond. No good. Now i'm like 50 hours behind the MQ >.< Blehhhh.

EDIT: I tried collecting the curropted blood again, see if the flag reset, no good she just hands them back. I tried going to Torcreth, or whatever the bad guys name is, but he won't talk to be because i'm "do-gooder" Meaning, I have already been flagged for the priestess. So i'm simply stuck. -.-'
the problem i had with this was that YOU have to kill the shadow thingies. i dont even think you have to loot the blood.
Yea, so. I think it's been like a year, no sure, shoulda checked dates, but whatever. I still have this problem, love for it to be fixed one day soon. Priestess responds to nothing, and killingthe wraithsor whatever does nothing.
Go to seeker Tresaria, she will speak to you. The spectre part was taken out of the game.
The spectre part wasn't entirely taken out. We made it an optional quest due to the fact that you could only do it once per game day and that really placed a lot of limitations on people's play times and all-in-all wasn't very fun to deal with from a gameplay standpoint. It was a cool piece of the quest when designing it, but after actually implementing it, frankly it sucked to have to do that step before being able to progress.
i am encountering a problem of the same nature as well. I am doing it on another character and the Priestess wont respond to my hails. I have been told that i need to say the 'key phrases' to her again to unbug it, but i dont know what they are because i had initially done this part of the quest a while ago. Something happened along the way, because i had gotten past the 'turn in the corrupted blood' part and was on the spectre killing section. Since i dont have to do this now. I cant say for sure if she would talk to me then, but she wont now.
Xeldan, please add a prompt to Andrenia and Taroceth that reset the flag to 3 if it's 4 or 5?
Nm, I did this myself. If you are stuck just hail priestess or taroceth and you will be able to continue.
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