Main Quest Part 4 problem


Dalayan Elder
OK, I finally got a faction increase, spoke with the great dryad and got the dirt...

I gave the dirt to the behemoth and he went through an activation sequence where he did some system checks and prompted me for an activation code. I read the code word(s) out of the codex and <nothing> When I try to give him the codex, he returns it. I hail him <nothing>

Please help,

yeah, this confused me for a bit as well. When the machine prompts for the command, you have to type in "prompt command" and then the code from the codex, not just the code itself.
No you don't, but you're probably not standing close enough, his talk range is much smaller than his trade range.
Too Late?

I'll try standing right next to/on top of (I'll be in his lap) the behemoth and providing the command code. I hope that since I already gave him the dirt, it will be ok...


--OK, I stood right on top of him (rather right between his legs, lol) and it worked, thanks Wiz :)
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