Main Quest Part 1 - Quest Giver NPC will not respond correctly


Dalayan Beginner
I don't have my Mysterious Summons, not sure if I didn't get it or what actually happened to it. I have tried hailing all 3 different NPC's to start the main quest and they all say "Hello there".

I have tried hailing the Eye of Dreams to get the mysterious summons but am not transported to the dream.

Character is Calib, 52 Froglok Wizard.
There's 4 people who start the main quest, not 3. If you're a froglok, yours should be the guy up in the Barbarian fort in Sundered Mountains. Starts with a B I believe.
You can't start without the mysterious summons. You will have to ask a GM to create it for you (if they don't know which is yours, have them try all 4)
You could, similarly, just remake your class/race combo and read THAT mysterious summons to determine where to go.
I think rab is only suggesting to create a class/race "clone" to read the summons and see who he's supposed to go to with his main character, not to replace the main character with the clone.
Actually it isn't, I used you think you didn't need them but it turns out you do!
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