main quest, Krigot sub quest


Dalayan Beginner
So i am having some troubles on this one. I have gone to newport, underhill, and halas and enslaved the citizens there with no problems. however, i have gone to 4 different oggok citizens, both ogre, and dark elf, and even when i get the stumbling around dazed text, when i click on the collar, they do not subcome to my will. Is this part bugged?
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trying to do this with a level 55 ogre warrior, (also tried in illusion halfling) zone is mostly warmly faction to charater. Name of suleq. Has hit almost all citizens on the head cept for those in a group
I just did this a short while ago with an alt (maybe a week or two ago max), and it was working then. I chose "an oggok citizen" on a ledge in the cave area (near the shm/bst spell vendors).
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