Main Quest Heartland problem


Dalayan Beginner

I was wondering if anyone could help me?

I'm working on the main quest and was sent to Heartlands to talk to Tesia. I talked to her and she sent me off to talk to other people. I talked to these people, but did NOT join any of their factions.

I went back to tesia and she asked me about each faction one at a time. She acknowledged each one. I recieved the exp for finishing that part. I checked with the Wiki and it stated that Tesia should have sent me off to talk to Hannia, but she didn't :(

went I talked to Hannia, she says something like " How can I help you" As by the wiki she is suppose to tell me to join a faction.

So i'm lost as to what I'm suppose to do. I don't want to join a faction, and then have the Dryads mad at me or screwup the main quest.

I'm not sure if the Quest is broke or I did something wrong or that I missed something.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


65 Necro
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