Main quest giver does not respond with prompt


Dalayan Beginner
I'm on the first part of the main quest where you have to answer the questions asked by William Defar. When I Hail William Defar he responds with "Your answer is wrong". He does not give the prompt and I cant recall what it was.

I got to this point after trying to answer a question multiple times, spell checking and altering punctuation to make sure that it wasn't a syntax error on my part.

Any help/advice on how to fix this issue is appreciated.
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the answer is in the books. Even if you told us the question, we can't give you an answer besides that. If you no longer remember what his question is, I suggest you /petition it in-game, and hopefully a gm can reset you to before you talked to him, so you can start over.
Thanks for your quick response. The problem is that when I Hail him (Hit the H key) he responds with "Your answer is wrong". There is no prompt. On my other character he would repeat the question. I will try petitioning. Thanks.
*bump* the in game petition told me that I should address this issue here. Saying that a normal gm can not resolve this issue.
If your know the Question he is asking. then you can just say the answer without hailing. if not check the wiki. i think it MIGHT have the questions he is asking just no the answers. then just start from the beggingin question and move your way down untill you get the correct answer with the correct question and move on.
You could make a new lv 1 character of the same class and race, go see William Defar, write every answer down, then log in your current toon and try them until it works.

Probably would take less than an hour total.
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