Main quest 4 problem


Dalayan Beginner
Hi, Ive currently done the silver crown faciton quest enough to earn the silver crown soldier pips. this is enough faction to ask for a meeting with the great dryad, yet Trader Valner doesn't give me that option.

Trader Valner say: Ah, welcom back, soldier. how can i be of help to you?
-(D1) I want to advance in rank. <----he tells me not enough faction
-(D2) I am looking for a task to do. <----he tells me noting for me here try our other locations.

my char name is Montgomeryy btw

I've never seen the great dryad nore do i remmber meeting with her before, and i dont have the dirt of the heartlands that she gives you either. So i am at a lose as to what heppened or why i can't complete this part of the quest.
You need to ask him about the corruption and learn about the fact that setting up the meeting would be a good idea first.
This is why it's a good idea to pay attention to quest text instead of following wiki blindly.
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