Main character does not show up in 'character select'


Dalayan Beginner
Hello, I'm having this bug which seems to affect other people also, but this only happens on one account, and one character on that account.

I've tried many times to log off/on, and restarted the client several times, to no avail. The L59 Paladin, Kompy, does not show up but the level 1 Bard does every single time. However the Paladin is not banned nor was it deleted, it still shows up on Fomelo, and GM-Twist saw that it was still on the account, he suggested I post a /bugreport in-game as well here on the forums.

Is there anyway for a Dev/Admin to move the character into another slot on the account?

Thanks for any help you can provide!
Have you tried creating another character on the account, with a name starting with A - J? The server sorts characters by name on the character select screen, so maybe creating one will bump it down a slot.
Have you tried creating another character on the account, with a name starting with A - J? The server sorts characters by name on the character select screen, so maybe creating one will bump it down a slot.

I did try making a new char, don't remember if it had a A-J name though, however with the help of Gm-Twist and 'Character Restore' I was able to get the character back, thanks to the help from the SoD Staff!

Thank you fellas!
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