Mage AA questions


Dalayan Beginner
I box a 59 shm and 59 mage. I've paused at 59 because there are some good exp spots and I do not have any of the good dps level 63 pets. In the fall I won't be able to group much so don't want to kill the potential of duo.

The mage is up to 14 AA's
I did run3/regen3
SCF2 and MC1, next 4 are going to be MC2.

In class I was going to pick one of the elemental forms for the mana regen comp at level 1
Then elemental mastery and elemental enhancement to make the pet better.

How effective are the pet AA's?


I got Canni V on the shaman so am going back to work on ND to give me a bigger self buffed buffer, 100 hp window is not much.

His name is Mulcis
The simple answer to your question is do not stop at that level. Continue, there is a bonus to aa's @65, and the pets are extremely easy to buy from people, or find on vendors since spells are pretty much worthless nowadays.

All of the pet aa's are pretty great.
Picked up air pet for 300 today so probably going to level after a few more simple tmaps for the shmbot.

I wanted to have one of the decent pets banked.
That's pretty much the best one, good choice. Though I'd suggest picking up water as well. Those two were pretty much all I used at that level.
I duo with a shammy never use the water pet. Have earth for bounties as well, tend to need earth fo them at he moment.
harthuks would be great for that duo. Great money and exp. I go agree with Aisling as you should continue to lvl. That duo will have no problem duoing the easy normal places for fresh 65s. Rats/cyclops.
I'm having a little trouble at 63/62. Top of Sorcerer's lab started to go LB and can't fully break village yet.
If your pet or your mage is doing the majority of the tanking then Elemental Mastery, Combat Agility, and Lightning Reflexes will help you the most. Grab the 64 spell Talok's Taunting Echoes and the you'll have a hard time ripping off the pet! Just as Aisling said, get to 65 and as others said go to DN rats.

Definitely pick up an elemental form at least to rank 1 - fire is the best choice with water a near second. Beyond that I would finish off melee hit and spell crit AA's for the pet.

In order of priority (you can swap the dodge and hit AA's depending on which toon or pet is your "tank":

Elemental Form: Fire
Elemental Mastery
Combat Agility
Lightning Reflexes
Combat Ferocity
Unerring Precision
Elemental Enhancement (not a large enough boost to warrant it earlier)
Finish Spell Crit AA's

Beyond that get whatever you like: Spell Casting Mastery, Innate Charisma, Spell Casting Subtlety, Host of the Elements, etc...
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So buff the heck out of the pet. Almost 65 on the Mage soloing the last level to speed it up.

Yes and no.

The dodge mods are great, if you already have elemental mastery. You should invest in both the pet mend skill, and the hastening of it as soon as possible. The second you become able to do it I would suggest acquiring and doing a companion armor tome (this is buyable, and it will increase your survivability tenfold). It has an aa prerequisite, I'm not sure how high.

Also I would suggest avoiding fire form and going instead with earth. You are probably not able to take a sturdy hit at the moment, earth will help with that. Go straight to a form 3 whatever you pick. It's kind of foolish to stop at 1, as your main benefit out of it at this point is going to be the extra ft.

Frenzied burnout is also something to put on priority (It will allow your pet to temporarily tank things they would otherwise have trouble with for a short duration), as is recall minion. Host of the elements is a great panic button, in conjunction with frenzied burnout.

It really depends on what you are doing as to what I would suggest doing first. Lot of duoing: pet stuff first, lots of grouping: mage dps stuff first.

Personally I put off no-fizzle aa's as I tended to run high enough on +channeling to minimize the amount of fizzles I would typically experience. These same casting skills have changed alot and I am no longer sure they do that.
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Fire and Air forms are probably the best forms to do first if you're planning on grouping/raiding a lot. Water form is a horrible troll that you will only use on the rare occasion you need added cold resist or you want to annoy people who play with spell effects on so don't bother with that until you've got nothing you really need (like do it before you get strength stat AA or whatever).
Read his first post, he will have limited playtime this fall and will not be able to do much grouping. So count raiding out as well. He is going to be relying on his 2-box combo of MAG/SHM.

There is no reason to touch earth form! Taunting Echoes and a boxed healer (his SHM) are all that he needs for his duo to function. Given that... get the extra haste and DS from fire form so stuff dies faster. He doesn't need to take a hit!

Frenzied burnout? Mending? Recall Minion? You realize he has 14 total AA's atm and also stated he won't have large amounts of time to group in the fall so he is relying on his duo. He needs passive AA's not 1 hour cooldowns. Passive AA's will allow him to farm faster and safer. Those AA's are better left for when you have 100-150 AA's under your belt. Hell, I waited until 250-300 AA's before I picked them up... proper pet control goes a long way.

There is also no reason to invest in air form. His mana pool and flowing thought aren't going to allow for much nuking. Water is actually phenomenal at low AA levels, for duo'ing, and undergeared 6 man. So buff the heck out of the pet with passive AA's!
Wow Much debate over this.

Well I got 65 today, w00t and now opened up the class AA's.

Think I'll be going

Fire Form
hit AA's
spell crits
and then dodge.

Found some decent duo spots that aren't crazy camped.
Read his first post, he will have limited playtime this fall and will not be able to do much grouping. So count raiding out as well. He is going to be relying on his 2-box combo of MAG/SHM.

There is no reason to touch earth form! Taunting Echoes and a boxed healer (his SHM) are all that he needs for his duo to function. Given that... get the extra haste and DS from fire form so stuff dies faster. He doesn't need to take a hit!

Clearly there is no reason for anyone to have a good 200hp, 150 ac (both on you and the pet), and a snare proc over 200 atk (whiiich does nothing for pets btw) 30ds (nice and hefty yes). and a 15% haste increase. Except for those reasons I just mentioned.

You seem to be under the impression one would use a snare for aggro in this situation. You would be wrong about that.

Frenzied burnout? Mending? Recall Minion? You realize he has 14 total AA's atm and also stated he won't have large amounts of time to group in the fall so he is relying on his duo. He needs passive AA's not 1 hour cooldowns. Passive AA's will allow him to farm faster and safer. Those AA's are better left for when you have 100-150 AA's under your belt. Hell, I waited until 250-300 AA's before I picked them up... proper pet control goes a long way.

First off, only burnout is an hour cooldown. Mend goes down substantially with the additional investment of a piddly amount more of AA's. Recall minion (read: Actual pet control) is hilariously useful, especially with the addition of a snare proc (but was useful even before), and has a cooldown of I'm pretty sure 1 second.

I am also not sure what you think is not safe about an emergency instant heal, and an emergency instant petsave and/or kiting tool with the addition of snare.

There is also no reason to invest in air form. His mana pool and flowing thought aren't going to allow for much nuking.
Which is going to limit how fast he farms substantially, regardless of passives.

Water is actually phenomenal at low AA levels, for duo'ing, and undergeared 6 man.

This I would agree with. The heal helps immensely. However when actually attempting to tank something with your pet that could prove difficult, again accept no substitute for earth form. I tend to stick between water or earth myself, unless I really need the fire resist (which for me is fairly rare).
I found myself with 5 AA so I finished SCF3

Now opening up class going to go element mastery(5pt)
hit AA's
and then one of the elemental forms, unless I get a good grind group then i'll max one of the forms. Not sure which yet due to intense debate on here.
Are you actually trying to argue that 200 hp and 150 ac is better than 30 ds and 15% overhaste? He is 2 boxing and is going to be killing easy mobs like DN rats for a while...

1.) summon pet of choice
2.) cast DS
3.) cast fire illusion
4.) heal + canni while pet solos mobs with random nukes from mage
5.) if mage needs to med, shm and pet keep killing

His mana actually won't limit his ability to kill - only his ability to nuke! I'd think you would have caught on to that. The pet and the shaman can kill relentlessly while the mage is medding up. Therefore, YES air form nuke buff is wasted on an oom mage, but an oom mages pet doesn't cease to exist... hence why stacking the DS is so important.

Mend is such a waste of AA's until he has 100-150+ AA's under his belt. He is boxing a HEALER!!!!!! The 30 minute cd on mend (with 11 AA's) is not worth it... recall minion isn't nearly as useful as you make it out to be. It is a crutch and if you pull correctly, box correctly, and pay attention you simply won't need it.
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