Read his first post, he will have limited playtime this fall and will not be able to do much grouping. So count raiding out as well. He is going to be relying on his 2-box combo of MAG/SHM.
There is no reason to touch earth form! Taunting Echoes and a boxed healer (his SHM) are all that he needs for his duo to function. Given that... get the extra haste and DS from fire form so stuff dies faster. He doesn't need to take a hit!
Clearly there is no reason for anyone to have a good 200hp, 150 ac (both on you and the pet), and a snare proc over 200 atk (whiiich does nothing for pets btw) 30ds (nice and hefty yes). and a 15% haste increase. Except for those reasons I just mentioned.
You seem to be under the impression one would use a snare for aggro in this situation. You would be wrong about that.
Frenzied burnout? Mending? Recall Minion? You realize he has 14 total AA's atm and also stated he won't have large amounts of time to group in the fall so he is relying on his duo. He needs passive AA's not 1 hour cooldowns. Passive AA's will allow him to farm faster and safer. Those AA's are better left for when you have 100-150 AA's under your belt. Hell, I waited until 250-300 AA's before I picked them up... proper pet control goes a long way.
First off, only burnout is an hour cooldown. Mend goes down substantially with the additional investment of a piddly amount more of AA's. Recall minion (read: Actual pet control) is hilariously useful, especially with the addition of a snare proc (but was useful even before), and has a cooldown of I'm pretty sure 1 second.
I am also not sure what you think is not safe about an emergency instant heal, and an emergency instant petsave and/or kiting tool with the addition of snare.
There is also no reason to invest in air form. His mana pool and flowing thought aren't going to allow for much nuking.
Which is going to limit how fast he farms substantially, regardless of passives.
Water is actually phenomenal at low AA levels, for duo'ing, and undergeared 6 man.
This I would agree with. The heal helps immensely. However when actually attempting to tank something with your pet that could prove difficult, again accept no substitute for earth form. I tend to stick between water or earth myself, unless I really need the fire resist (which for me is fairly rare).