Made my Characters


Dalayan Beginner
Hey again just letting you know I have finally got my characters online. I am playing two wood elves ( druid and ranger ) called, Ariuda and, Evanda.

had a quick go last night but could not play for long. I forgot how tough it was to start, my Ranger would have been in trouble many times without my druid :)

Anyway... if anyone would like to group or help out a new player I would be more then happy :)

Hope to see you in game.
Hey i ran across evanda last night as i was runing around. welcome to the world. Make sure to check your guild for newbie quests.
Not sure about wood elves but the newbie ones for iksar can take you into the 40s gearwise. Crazy fun to do them all as well.
Hey again just letting you know I have finally got my characters online. I am playing two wood elves ( druid and ranger ) called, Ariuda and, Evanda.

had a quick go last night but could not play for long. I forgot how tough it was to start, my Ranger would have been in trouble many times without my druid :)

Anyway... if anyone would like to group or help out a new player I would be more then happy :)

Hope to see you in game.

A newbie with character names that (to the best of my knowledge) follow the letter and intent of the Naming Policy... wow.

/em rolls out the red carpet. WELCOME!
Welcome Adventure. If you require assistance please remember your starting guild is your friend and so is the wiki. Please enjoy your time inside the sandbox.
Thx :) Forgot how tough the game was to start off, so those quest would be very handy Wolf thx.

It's still a great game and bringing back some good memories of the old live. I Look forward to seeing more, but it could take some time lol

I like the changes made. The specialize and fighting stances are a nice touch. It adds a little variety to the CAN be linear melee class.

/claps well done :)

And yes I read the Naming Policy And hoped they would be suitable :) and I would like to add I agree with it. Some of the riddiculus names you find running about on mmo really annoy me.

Anyway thx for the great welcome and hope to see you in game.
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