(Luciusslayer)oldschool bristlebane beastlord


Dalayan Beginner
hi everyone i just heard of this server and ive never been so excited to start playing the game again!!! i was on bristlebane for 6 years, most of the time as a beastlord named luciusslayer, but i quit about a year ago, most of u might know me from around the time DoN came out, i was like the number 3 or 4 beastlord on all of the Game gear wise. im actually shaking from excitement how sad is that? lol, im just really excited and if any of u know me feel free to leave a message, i cant wait to see alll of u, and hopefully some familiar faces, my character will be named Luciusslayer too
welcome to the server :toot:

i hope you enjoy your stay, but i also hope you read the rules too!
luciusslayer isnt a name you can use in SoD because it is 2 words.

SoD is very different from live. and when i mean different i mean content, rules, lore, etc. pretty much everything is different except the way it looks*basically it looks like live, but its not!*

if you have any questions feel free to ask :D
Hey I was on Bristlebane too, quit right before GoD came out. I was in Forces of Light way back when, then Order of the White Dragon and Crimson Blade if you're familiar with either. But if you mostly played during the DoN age perhaps not.

Anyway, enjoy SoD :)
ya ive heard of them, i was in arch overseers, then magna charta once AO died off, then i switched to playing US time and joined voices of chaos
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