Lost Access to old accounts


Dalayan Beginner
Hi there,

I seem to have forgotten the passwords for my old accounts for my Cleric (Liqtox) and Paladin (Galiden). The names of the accounts are Liquidtoxin and Galiden, respectively. I went to try to reset my passwords, only to find that the email account I originally used to create these accounts ([email protected]) has been hacked, and I no longer have access to that email. As a result I am unable to reset the passwords and I am effectively locked out of my accounts.

I took a break for a few years but wanted to pick up again, so I reinstalled today and was upset to find that I could not log in. I was wondering if there is some way that I could have the passwords reset so that I could play again. I can do whatever it takes to prove that these accounts are, indeed, my own. Please let me know if there is anything you can do to help with this.

Thanks, and I hope that we can work something out so I can play this wonderful game again! =)


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