Looking to Join (Questions!)


Dalayan Beginner
Apologies if this is not proper for this section of the forums.

A friend and myself stumbled across SoD last night and became exited about the prospect of this particular private server.

I just had a few questions.

Will the current Steam offerings work for the client? Steam has House of Thule and Underfoot with all prev xpacs.

I already Own EQ platinum Edition: will that work?

From all the reading Iv done already on the forums and wiki this looks like exactly what we want to be a part of.

I really like the positive community angle as well.


Does Platinum goes up to GoD? If so it will work fine. Any of the steam offerings also work although you will be missing a few textures here and there.
eq:platinum is the currently preferred version as it will require no additional graphics files for about 4 or 5 zones.

edit:actually its the old one, but it has up to GoD and will be fine.
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You have come to the right place man. Sod is awesome. I cannot say enuf good things about the content and depth there is on this server. Involve yourself in the quests. Take your time and enjoy leveling up in the lower zones. Read the quest content and open yourself up to the stories told in them. Its amazing what the developers have done here. Dont get too infatuated with grinding out levels and getting gear. Just enjoy the game and take it slow. I will help you and your friends in game anytime, just look me up, happy to see new people!
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