Looking to get back into game and 2 box


Dalayan Beginner
I played a while ago on SoD as a druid and chanter. Was able to duo most names up to lvl 45-50ish after lvl 50ish duo wasnt good enough without a tank as pets no longer were able to tank.

Basically I am looking to 2 box names as such as I lvl up and wondering what the funniest duo is from your own experiences. Before anyone says play what you enjoy... I have played shaman, chanter, druid, cleric all to lvl 65 with raid experience on live and on other private servers. Boxed warriors for raids if needed for extra off tanks but never lvled one up.

I also dont want to be the norm of monk/shaman. I was thinking about bst/druid or bst/paladin but wondering if bst gimp heal and paladin heal is enough to keep them both alive at higher lvls. Am also worried about bst/paladin being able to single pull in some places. Guess they could off tank but i can see that being tricky with more then 2.

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If you roll paladin you chose the norm.

Maybe enchanter/paladin is not the norm.

Otherwise it is.

Also druid /enchanter is the pro duo forever.
Just wondering why you would say druid/enchanter is the best. They are very good up to lvl 50ish but then slack off from what i experienced in the past. I would love to play my old characters here again if things were different with charmed pets.
Druid/SK is a very good combo here, so is Monk/Druid and Bst/Druid.

If you want to try some named mobs, I've seen some folks do shaman/rogue. Shaman keeps healing himself while the rogue backstabs.

Also, a Wizard/Bard can make a decent combo as well.
I played chanter/cleric or chanter/druid in the past and that is like 2 years ago. Both lvl 50ish. Is there a way I can somehow find out the information for them as I would like to use them as either loot farmers for my new character to do those bosses that are hard to find up and to help gear up the new 2 i choose.

I was thinking about bst/druid or bst/paladin but wondering if bst gimp heal and paladin heal is enough to keep them both alive at higher lvls. Am also worried about bst/paladin being able to single pull in some places. Guess they could off tank but i can see that being tricky with more then 2.


I box both Paladin and Beastlord with my druid. The Beastlord is the better geared character with more AA/Tomes.

The Beastlord will be superior farming lower level dark blues. But for harder content, the Paladin is far superior. And I think you are missing one of the strategies for boxing a Paladin. If you get add, you AE Stun, AE Blind and then root park them with either the Paladin or Druid.

Regarding the healing abilities of Paladins and Beastlords. The Paladin can often keep up his HP on his own. Kirin Folken has stopped boxing with his shaman and is using his Magician now to increase his effeciency. So, the Paladin heals are very significant.

Beastlord heals are a little more complicated. The pet heal is extremely effecient. But, the pet won't have the nice gear that the Beastlord has to improve tanking ability. Thrid person fast heal is not significant enough to warrant stopping melee in order to heal. It is effective in buying the healer time, especially on the cloth classes. It is also good enough to heal between pulls in order to reduce downtime. But if you are slowing, you will be needing to med yourself.

If you are soloing and things are looking bad then you can go to /s 9 and alternate healing yourself and your pet while the pet bites away on the mob. I can do this for some time and is often enough to survive, though with no manna, HP or stamina.

Bottomline, if you want to box named, Paladin is superior to Beastlord. Bard is a good choice as well.

EDIT: O just re-read your post and see it is not DRU/PAL or DRU/BST but rather DRU/PAL or PAL/BST. At high levels PAL/BST might work. But it takes a lot of gear and AA's for the Paladin to not require a real healer. You can do it, but it won't be easy. The Slows will help. But I keep thinking that this is a pretty low dps combo for not really having a healer. At least with the PAL/MAG combo, you have some significant DPS to reduce the time that the Paladin is receiving damage.

I have soloed my Pal/Bst and it does not work well for me. But part of that is that the Beastlord is so much better equipped than the tank.
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how you all think a bst/dru would fair? Figure with slows and if bst got decent gear between him and pet would be able to tank a bit with druid dots and heals.. I am mostly a chanter charm expert from live and all and that is what I use to solo with so now i need options here as I love the game play here with low lvl raid mobs and maps and such.
how you all think a bst/dru would fair? Figure with slows and if bst got decent gear between him and pet would be able to tank a bit with druid dots and heals..

Speaking from the perspective of having a Tier 8 Beastlord. If you want to push the limits boxing, I don't think this is the class for you. If you want to mow through the easier level 65 zones, this is your class. You can slaughter the easy guys all day. But if you have to pull a bunch of tough guys, the damage received will exceed a relic-ed druid's ability to heal them. I have no doubt that the top five beastlord's on the server will have a better time of it. Many beastlords will have a harder time than me.

You say you don't want to play Monk, but they really are the best at this, in my opinion. A well geared bard is also awesome when boxed with a healer.
Part of what makes my Pal/Mage Combo work is mages Rain.

Paladin can hold multi-targets and heal throw it while the mage sends the pet in and Rains (or PBAoE) what the paladin is holding. Also the paladins Ghot helps keep the mage and thier pets hps at a health level. Note, this box combo has problems with single hard targets, since other then the paladins thier no big heal. And if the paladin loses aggro kiss the mage good bye :).

... Sounds like I need to borrow Jilguror for a hour or 2 and see how well it works boxing a bst with my Paladin.
just forum banned not game banned. I deserved what I got back as I will be the first to admit it. Was just frustrated getting to a certain lvl to see a class be almost utterly useless except for buffs. It is also from reading through all the posts that the chanters got a bit of love but still need some attention. Why I am asking about other classes as I dont want to lvl up another till 50ish and not be able to duo names for the lvl. Granted I know the higher lvl you go the harder the names are of course but just looking for some suggestions.

Am now thinking about cleric/ranger but what lvl do rangers get sow at is the question? And how viable are they as tanks for names? Would shammy/ranger be better for slows and better dps? Can the shammy keep the ranger up against names? These are the questions I ask those with more experience then myself in sod.
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Notpit you might have a great idea with bards and I never really gave them much thought. Maybe cause it takes alot to get over a man with a flute killing.. but like you said bards have a big upside with debuffs, buffs, AC, and could cut down on time between kills. They might not be the best tanks, debuffers, buffers, or CC but they are very capable of doing them all. The more I think about it I just might give it the college try.
Shm/Rng ..... It works but your not going to be downing big names until you get some gear on the ranger and shaman woundbane. Early levels this will work fine, but as you move into the 50s and 60s the rangert will b a bit squish for a pure tanking roll.

Bard/Druid is a very pimp combo, from personal experience, and seeing a guildie with this combo. Its very solid throw out the tiers killing stuff. Bards doing thier AoE bit, along with Druid DS, make excellent pin cushions :)
Thanks as I just might try this combo out .. I dont expect to duo any big names with this combo but the names I would need to lvl up and gear up before 65 and start gaining some guild PKP ..

However, why would a druid be better then a cleric? since bards will have selo and such?
Druid damage shield, dots, and ae's all work well with bard effects of the same. Clerics heal better, but have lesser dps (except on undead), and don't have a dmg shield to help kill with.
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