Long lost player....


Dalayan Beginner
heya. Played the former for 6 years. Had a war named Tarrik/Tyrik who was one of the MT's on the Legends server in Science of War/ Precision Strike. Looking forward to being a good ol wood elf war or whatever it is here. We picked up and went to Rathe where I tanked till around the expac after you got 2.0 epic in. I remember the end zone was just a negative , harder version of a normal zone. Forgot the names its been so long. I'm looking forward to hopping in game and meeting ppl. Missed this game so much and the crud they call mmo's now days. Looking forward to meeting ya'll ingame. I'm a hardcore "play way more hours than I should" player so I'll prolly be on alot once I get it going.

catch ya later
I was on legend for couple years remember SoW TR PS before the mass migration from there, think you will enjoy it here very much. Welcome and good luck.
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