Long / Indefinite Break - Bye!


Dalayan Elder
So this summer started getting busy, and leading raids and helping to run a great guild kind of fell to the back burner. Having stopped playing and starting to fill my free time with other things sort of opened my eyes to how much time I spent on this game and how many things I have been putting off in life.

I wanted to just drop a line here to anyone who I may have not talked to before I stopped playing to say thanks and goodbye (for now). I'll probably be back someday, but for now I don't see it happening soon.

To Pwny Express / From Accounting: You guys were awesome and being a part of the guild was the thing that kept me coming back over and over again. In any game ever I have never been part of such a good group of people. We had zero internal drama, we all got along and our vent channel never ended up in a fight - ever.

To Chaotic Winds: Thanks for helping us out so much through the tiers and eventually absorbing us into your ranks. To anyone who thinks I (or anyone for that matter) got kicked out or left out of rage due to the guild merger: you couldn't be more wrong. CW is an awesome group of people who never once made anyone in FA feel "inferior" for not knowing a strat or for messing up a new fight.

To the staff of Shards - Thanks for a great game and so many good times.

See you around!
I wanted to just drop a line here to anyone who I may have not talked to before I stopped playing to say thanks and goodbye (for now).

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