lock out


Dalayan Beginner
hi i just started an account for the server but the worlds locked. was just wondering if this is a regular thing and if so what hours are best to log in. i'm really looking forward to playing on this server. ty
the server is locked because some "bug" fixes, no idea when it will be open but it will be.

Oh, and welcome to SoD.
me too

yeah, I'm in the same boat, I jsut started SoD and I can't login, I'm hoping its maintenance and not yet ANOTHER problem with the way I patched the files and stuff....lol all of that mess took me forever. :brow:
Have no fear grasshopper, for patience is the key to true understanding. In time, you will undoubtedly become entranced by the world of SoD and forget all of your earthly mortal needs.
ooops, my bad

thought i'd look around the forums while waiting for server to be unlocked and came across the forums about the house cleaning being done so please disregard my first question. and ty for the welcome.

whoa....were all k-names.

and could you link me to the topic on the house cleaning? hw long will the server be locked?
There is nobody who knows how long the server will be locked. Here, the GM's give no ETA's, however the work they do is generally thorough and thought out. So expect rewards to be greater than the price of not being able to play for a bit.
Well, I would say they should have it fixed soon. But really cant put a time on it. Days it will not take maybe a couple hours
could be a couple days depending on how many people were exploiting the bugs, and how much work it takes to fix it. what we can know for sure is that with the SoD team working on it, it will not take a second longer than is absolutely necessary.
You can be pretty sure there'll be an announcement on the forums, by the players if not the GMs, when it comes back up =) Hopefully it'll be up tomorrow. If not I might actually end up putting some time in on LSAT prep... seeing as how it's coming up Oct 1. Ahh, well...
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