Line dead land

Moody who

Dalayan Beginner
Hello :) Just a quick one (hopefully)... My issues is that I have everything installed seeming correctly, I am able to patch to server, can play for a time...than get disconected, I thred to see if there was certain things in game I was doing to trigger this to no avail, weather talking walking, killing sitting ect seems to make no differance. I checked my internet connection, didnt seem to have an issue running any other programs continuously. Anyone have any idea what my issue is? I LD'd must have been 50 or so times the other day....I greatly appreciate any suggestions.
i hope not, it's 45 war Carissa, It would have been modded in WR if it was unacceptable...I can only assume that is...
do you have a router? and if so, check and see what the max idle time is, as this often causes eq to get bumped because after a period the router either disconnects from the internet, or tries to re-establish a connection. had that problem for a while, where after 20 min my router would disconnect. i set it to 9999 min and problem went away.
Nope, no router either, this seems to be panning out to be more confusing than i had thought. Any other ideas?
If its windows XP try reseting TCP/IP stack

Click Start > run, then type:

netsh int ip reset log.txt

See if that helps at all, any firewall software? Windows XP service pack 2? We will probably need more information on your setup.
Hey again, When the server came up I tried resetting the stacks. no such luck, I did note an excedingly long log in time after char select screen. As far as my system I run windows xp yes, I do have a firewall but I shut it down before running SoD. Also in referance to Liams comment I did look for some sort of red text uppon log in that I should be wary of but saw nothing of interest other than some SoD lore I havent read yet. Any other ideas guys? wow I'm a pain sorry : /
still looking for suggestions, also tried repatch all, modem cyceling, reinstaling folders.... /cry please, please help me someone....
Well the big red message states not to use the shared bank, I believe... as it's broken. You might want to configure your firewall, I'm not really sure how but I know firewalls usually have something to do with stuff like this happening, and a lot of people talk about forwarding ports to SoD or from the firewall etc. but I'm none to knowledgable on that subject.
Have you done any spyware/malware scans and or virus scans ?

Sounds like a dumb question but you'd be suprized even in todays internet I get customers that have outta date definitions or worse yet no scanner at all..

Personally I hate any and all "toolbars" that do not come with the default browser when installed.. ie: google, msn, yahoo, my websearch, etc etc etc..
No dumb questions here mind you heh, I'm always willing to try, anyhow used ad aware and spybot to cleanse system, no avil there, still having issues. Also, firewall is turned off, not sure if that should assist the problem any....any more feedback will be usefull, and thank you George, had no idea. Again all of this stuff realy is speeding up my system, but I still find myself in ld land every couple of minuites.....
Try running either the Microsoft spyware (I know M$, but it's free) or run a trial of Ewido..

I have had a lotta luck with both on customers pc's

The ewido site even has an ActiveX online test that you can run without installing the actuall software.
Did a clean sweep with the software. nothing new and intrusive discoverd. Agh well, one wouldalways hope. Its unfurtunate but these prograns seem to not affect my connectivity to the server. Anyone have any other ideas why I would be dropping connection to sod server so often?
Hey, thanks again for your input, I tried the line test, I didnt see a signifigant change in rate though. Anything elce ? :)
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