Leaving paying Server.


Dalayan Beginner
Ok if I have that game already installed how do I get to your server? I need some guidence here please. I left the game a while back and am installing it again now I can't live without up but at this point in my life dont' have the funds for the real thing. Can someone please help me out here with the info to make this work for me?
Thank you most help full .... Not excited about started over on a new server but will be nice to see the old content again :)
What are the major Difference other than being a few exspations behind is there different mobs ect ... Looking for some more info on that would be nice aswell. And thanks for responding so quickly to get me going. -)
Also For those that are looking to meet some new people I had the same name on the game. Was on Brell (RIP) then cazic Left with over 700 aa and lvl 75 was high end player on the server. and look forward to being one again . I was also a Guild leader for a while was more of a family guild tried to get it gong to raid but didnt' have the #'s for the good stuff however we did take out alot of flaggin things. I did get to see most of PoR before I left and I will also love this game i'm just hoping that people like you can help keep it going . :)
Welcome to Dalaya! Although you'll find lots different here, it sounds like you shouldn't have any trouble figuring things out as you go along. You're best bet for the info on changes is to search the forum and stay in the beginning guild you start out in and talk to people in game as you come across new things.
Wow, finally someone from cazic thule. What was your name?

I was Misin and my sister was Muriel. Started before any patches were out and quit just after luclin.
I was / am Uzzdaar here and on CT as well is bluebuds .. my baby lol I spent 6 years growing him. However I was on brell till they merged all the servers then I went to CT
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