Lawful to Neutral?


Dalayan Beginner
Does anyone know of a way to get from Lawful to Neutral without affecting my good Status? I´m pledged to Jayla but no matter how many CoI quests I do or how good I get my bonus is slower to go up since Im lawful and Jayla Is Neutral Good.

Any ideas wood be :toot:
There is a part in the main quest where you can alter of the seekers. Also in the new quest line there are several places where you can do the same. I have found one and its not too deep into the series.
MQ is out of the question since I finsihed that long time ago. Will have to start the new quest I guess. Do you get any type of warning in the dialog about the alignment change?
If you did not speak to that seeker, finishing the quest already has no bearing. He offers a warning, the one in the new quest series did not unless its been changed.
Oh Ok now I get what your saying, It´s one of the seekers that you choose 2 or 3 quests to be able to advance. I might have a chance then since I did the bare minimun to advance ( 2 maybe? ) Do you remeber witch seeker? If not I guess I´ll start hailing them in Erimal to see witch I did not do.
Check the Wiki, the Seeker has nothing to do with the 5 quests choices. Its totaly optional, if I recall shes up stairs from Seeker Glavin (think that was his name). The MQ turn in guy between the 2 golems.
Found him and I hadn´t talked to him while doing MQ. It worked too I am now Neutral Good.

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