Kunark to PoP Iksar Monk returns....


Dalayan Beginner
My brother sent me a text message yesterday to google Shards of Dalaya... and as I've been pretty bored with wow (played that since beta) I figured I'd give this a try... I always loved the immersive world of original EQ, looking forward to exploring this new twist on the classic...

I was known as Xanix Hybrid (Fennin Ro server) on live, nearly a decade ago, sold the account to pay for new brakes on my car (starving college student lol).

I'll be an iksar monk, true to my original... one question: is there a SoD version of the old Crypt of Dalnir dungeon from EQLive?

Client is almost finished downloading... I'll edit this with my character name when I'm all set :)
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I don't think there is a version of Dalnir here either, that i can remember anyway. Although i haven't been to some of the very high end zones.
It's been quite awhile... unfortunately I only remember a few names, most of which were real life friends of mine. I was in <The Mystical Order> (TMO) guild for the majority of my time there.
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