keyboard won't work in game


Dalayan Beginner
But when i load into the server I can't use my keyboard. No hail, no movement, nothing, can only use mouse movements. Goofy stuff.

Also, I have 8 gigs of RAM but the game only recognizes 4 and I have a GTX460 video card, yet it makes me only choose 2 of the new models. Wtf is going on here, is this indicative of the entire server experience or is this just a goofy glitch?
When selecting the models, press the enter key instead of using your mouse to click next.

As for the other thing, you might have just keyboard bugged (its rare but it happens.) Try pressing and releasing alt (if you alt tab into the window it'll read alt as being pressed and you have to let it know, hey man no i'm not holding down alt.)
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