

Dalayan Beginner
I have two issues, one is yes I get the error 1017 most times and two when I do load into the game itself I cannot type in the chat box or move my character with my keyboard or nostromo. Has anyone else been having problems like this one? The only way I can move my character is by my mouse.
The keyboard bug has been around. Seem to remember something about using the "bind to processor" option. ALso, do you disable you avg when you play, that helped me with the 1017 error.
No I use avast which has a quiet game mode while it still scans your pc so it protects it from hackers and such. What is "bind to processor" how do I find that?
The patcher has an option to bind to a single processor core. Not sure if that will help, but it's an easy thing to try.
Tried it , it didn't work. Tried to repair eq with discs, didnt work. not sure what to do now.
Wait.. are you saying that you get keybugged immediately upon entering the game? Like you log in and then none of your keys ever work? If so, this is terrible, but also might help shine some light on why this happens.
The key bug is the devil. If I knew how to help I would, but the damn thing happens to me all the time since I refuse to not use alt+tab as my windows switcher... Old dogs and such...
I am saying when I log into the world, I cannot use my nostromo or use my keyboard to chat with other characters. I am using a desktop.
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