I seem to have a strange problem as well. I can type just fine within SoD, but I can't use keys like + =, and a small variety of others. I also cannot use tilde, which bugs me because on my last computer this was the button I used to switch windows when two-boxing. Anyone know of a fix for this? I've tried making sure I'm running as admin and stuff, reinstalling keyboard drivers... I hope I wouldn't have to reinstall EQ itself, I lost the actual CD's years ago and have been moving it from computer to computer via a jump drive.
Anyways, I'm using Windows 7, and the computer is an Alienware m15x. I'd appreciate any input for this slightly irritating problem. I don't like having my switch windows key bound to -, I always liked to do it with my left hand for SPEED!!
EDIT: For what it's worth, I fixed this problem, and a few others, with a total reformat and reinstall of Windows 7. Time will tell if this fixes many of the others, but I did magically free up 70gb of crap I never could find.