Keyboard issue


Dalayan Beginner
So I am coming back after a long break. It had been 3 years since patched SoD, so I repatched all.

Went into game and the only keys working on the keyboard were ,./ and the like as well as arrow keys and number pad.

Any ideas what would stop the rest from working?
I have a keyboard bug also I think it might be realted to windows 7 every now and then I some how target windos in the background and can no longer use the keyboard I have to ALT F4 my windows closed relog to fix it the mouse still works. This happens when I'm alt tabbing.
Win XP is operating system. I should stop being lazy and reinstall, was hoping to avoid it is all.

Oh and was not alt tabbing, this was right from log in.
Ok, got fresh install done and STILL same problem. I am drawing a nearly complete blank. The only thing I can come up with would be the Windows programs needed like Microsoft .NET framework or something. That area is totally outside my depths though.
My dad has the same problem.

It really doesn't appear to be an alt-tabbing problem; he plays one and only one client. He could not even enter a character name when creating his character. He is on Windows 7. I had him alt-tab in and out of SOD a few times....didn't change it.


Do you use EQ Window? or do you launch EQ without it?
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make sure you edit in the eqgame.exe cproperties to run as admin. and run SoD patcher as admin aswell.
Possible Fix

I fixed the keyboard problem on my dad's computer.

He was using Webroot antivirus. I uninstalled it and used Microsoft Security Essentials. Everything runs fine now.
I seem to have a strange problem as well. I can type just fine within SoD, but I can't use keys like + =, and a small variety of others. I also cannot use tilde, which bugs me because on my last computer this was the button I used to switch windows when two-boxing. Anyone know of a fix for this? I've tried making sure I'm running as admin and stuff, reinstalling keyboard drivers... I hope I wouldn't have to reinstall EQ itself, I lost the actual CD's years ago and have been moving it from computer to computer via a jump drive.

Anyways, I'm using Windows 7, and the computer is an Alienware m15x. I'd appreciate any input for this slightly irritating problem. I don't like having my switch windows key bound to -, I always liked to do it with my left hand for SPEED!!

EDIT: For what it's worth, I fixed this problem, and a few others, with a total reformat and reinstall of Windows 7. Time will tell if this fixes many of the others, but I did magically free up 70gb of crap I never could find.
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