Kelethin Warrior Quest Line Speech Bug


Dalayan Beginner
(I apologize for the lack of exact information, but I am currently at work...and I just remembered to post about the issue. I'll try to remember to get exact information when I get home.)

I began a new Wood Elf Warrior, starting city Kelethin, a week ago. The lead guildmaster for the Kelethin Warrior guild, <insert name here>, has one of SoD's programmed quests created for him. (As the guildmaster has a /cm d1 speech option for his quest.)

However, when typing "/cm d1" or <the exact text spoken by the guildmaster> following a character's initial HAIL, the guildmaster does not respond with the "2nd part" of the quest. (Thus disabling further quest speech and the actual receipt of the quest.)

Again, I'll try to remember to get exact information tonight. (Unless this is a known issue.)
Same issue here - was really looking forward to leveling in the area, too.

Please don't make me go to the human city... :(

(btw, the warrior leader here is Commander Berengot).
Almost everyone goes to Newport to level due to the ease of doing so in Northern Newport / Newport sewers. (Just thought would help you out on that one.)
Yeah, thanks, I'll hafta check that out. So far I've been slowly working on the Underhill warrior quests for their armor rewards, and I had seen something about the Barbarians having a decent thing or two.

Guess I'll just patch together what I can, I just regret that I'm missing out on my hometown's faction more than the gear, really. What can I say, I like that sorta thing hehe. Protector of Kelethin!
This quest is not broken, it is just incomplete. I have changed the Commander's dialog to reflect this and to be less obtuse in the future.
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