Kelethin Rogue Newbie Quest Feedback


Dalayan Beginner

I have just started on the server as a Woodelven Rouge out of Kelethin. While I've been having a good time, I've also been extremely frustrated by some of the requirements for my newbie quest(s).

For example, obtaining the "Soft Wolf Skin" has been impossible for me so far. I've killed all 3 wolves I've been able to find in GFaydark, and also a number in LFaydark without any luck. I even went as far as going to N. Newport on the suggestion of another Rogue, but found no wolves there.

I'm not sure of the difficulty these quests are supposed to present to new players, but I figure I could have probably leveled twice as much as I have had I not been going crazy trying to find a wolf, and then trying to find another since not one of the many I've killed have dropped the quest item.

Thanks for your attention to this issue for future newbies.

In most of the newbie areas, the mobs all share spawns. So to get more wolves, your best bet is to hunt or kill everything in sight in one area, and as things respawn you'll see more wolves. People before you probably went and killed all the wolves, and the respawn were other types of mobs.
Not just newbie areas. Remember this advice for hunting just about anything that patrols around in an outdoor area. Will save you alot of frustration.
And, its been awhile...

But, if I remember what happened to my friend's rogue, the wolves in North Newport do not drop the quest item. It had to be wolves in GFay.
Wolves have a low chance of spawning in gfay so upping the drop rate might be prudent.
Well, I was intending on making this thread, but someone beat me to it. So here it goes.

The bottlenecks in the quest are the Soft Frilakh Scales, the Pristine Frilakh Scales (both of which drop almost exclusively in the camp at the north end of Greater Faydark), Soft Wolf Skin from "a black wolf", and High Quality Bear Hides from "a black bear" in Lesser Faydark and "a black bear cub" in Greater Faydark. Frilakh Scales, Frilakh Broodling Scales, and Frilakh Oil are abundant in comparison. Also, Frilakh Broodling Scales are droppable, and plenty can be found on vendors.

(Rough) drop rates:

I had to clear the 27 or so spawns at the frilakh camp about 18 times to get the 25 Pristine/Soft scales needed for all the quests, and I got lucky and didn't get too many of one and not enough of the other.

Soft Wolf Skin seemed to be a 1 in 10 or rarer drop from the wolves, as I definitely killed mroe than 50, and you need 6 total. A Wood Elf rogue starting out will probably fight in the area near Kelethin, which tends to have fewer wolves than the area around Athica. The Athica area usually has 2 wolves per clear of the 20 or so mobs in the area, while Kelethin only sometimes has 2. You can sometimes run into them roaming between the northern lift to Kelethin and the Frilakh camp, but it's not efficient there unless you're way too high for the armor anyways. As these wolves are fairly rare, you can expect these wolves to be green long before the rogue has enough Soft Wolf Skin.

High Quality Bear Hides annoy me greatly. They seem to be a very rare drop or so, as I killed at least 50 "a black bear" in my quest for them in Lesser Faydark. I killed at least 40 "a black bear cub" and only got 1 of my 9 from them, so just get them from LFay. I easily spent 12 hours slaughtering every roamer that wasn't KoS to me to get more bears to spawn, and they can roam the zone, so there's no reason to expect an ungrouped rogue to be out there in such a dangerous area when this is viable killing for him. A rogue in a group in Lesser Faydark (if that has ever happened) would still be getting massive amounts of experience as compared to the drop rates, and could easily green out the bears before getting the needed drops.

All in all, a grouped rogue might have to share the drops with friends, but can still expect to get a ridiculous amount of experience with getting the needed drops. I see no way a rogue would complete these quests without having long since greened out everything in sight.

Please make it so that this armor is either not so slow to get or at least worth the investment.

Suggestions that may help:

1) Please increase drop rates so that the mobs being killed for drops mostly remain viable for experience during the quest.
2) The armor's stats are very bad for the expected level of the rogue able to acquire it, so I would suggest adding to it, or making it more flashy. The AC is good, but the +1 stats are just laughable. If you go to that much effort to get something so transitory, why not get something cool on it, like a +5 Hide mod?
Wolves have a low chance of spawning in gfay so upping the drop rate might be prudent.

This seemed quite apparent. I ran through quite a lot for almost 3 days and found 2 wolves after constant killing of all creatures
Going to look at this within the next day or two. I think it is just an issue with the spawngroups being skewed for no real reason.
I didn't find the drop-rate a problem at all for soft skins. I got one every two to three kills. Problem was it would take 1-2 hrs of killing EVERYTHING to find a wolf. Even with my level ~50 druid committing genocide on all wanderers and watching track I'd only see ~1 every 20-30 mins.

I'd reduce bat spawns by 50% and use the space that clears up (since bats are like 90% of spawns out there) to spawn wolves, bears and the level 1-2 lizards or decaying skels (for weapon and cloth armor drops). Yes it makes the zone a little more dangerous for levels 1-5 (more kos spawns)... but it makes hunting a lot more rewarding for nontwinked characters/new players... which is a nice improvement since there are only about 4 noob hunting areas on SoD.
I am now just onto the HQ Bear Hides. I hope to complete them tomorrow.

I got a friend to help me slaughter the Lizard for a few hours to get the skins... my guess is to complete the entire quest it will have taken me close to 14 hours.

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