Kelethin/Athica newbie turnin quests


Dalayan Master
With regard to the Kelethin/Athica turnin quests, I believe that the ratio of Fruit Bat Wings / Frilakh Broodling Scales / Faydark Spiderling Fangs is awful. On my current newbie wood elf running around the Kelethin newbie area, I have 16 wings, 6 fangs, and 2 scales. On a few previous newbie wood elves, I have gotten (yes I'm obsessed) 40+ wings on each (stopped looting/counting after 40), and fewer than 20 scales/fangs. The reason for this might be:

-ridiculously high spawn rate for Fruit Bats (most likely cause in my opinion)
-ridiculously low spawn rate for spiderlings/frilakh broodlings (equally likely cause in my opinion)
-bad drop rates on spiderlings/broodlings (I don't think this is it)

Given the revamped spawn rates for Black Wolves, Black Bears/cubs, and forest drakelings, I think that spider spawn rates can be and should be upped; the increase in spider silk would not make the tailoring TS gamebreakingly easy, and it would bring the spider fang drop rate closer to that of fruit bat wing drop rate. Frilakh Broodlings should also have an increased spawn rate.

Or... maybe fruit bat, black bear, and black wolf spawns should be reduced significantly


EDIT: now at 35 wings, fewer than 10 fangs and scales
On Track: 10 bear cubs, 4 black wolves, 4 fruit broodlings/spiderlings

Another fun stat: with the current newbie wood elf and my wizard combined (wizard AEing the wolves + bears + drakelings for TS mats), 400+ creatures killed (EDIT: now over 500), and a total of 11 broodling scales collected. Assuming this last run is just unlucky (it isn't), it's something like 40 scales at most per 1000 kills, which is lol especially considering that the kelethin rogue questline uses broodling scales, and if a ranger questline gets implemented it too will probably use broodling scales


Now somewhere between 900-1000 kills between the two characters, and only 20 broodling scales to show for it. a *handful* of kills were outside the broodling range, but even if we generously put the number at 900, 20 scales for 900 broodling/ph kills is stupid rare. Was able to collect nearly 40 faydark spiderling fangs in this same period of time, and let's not even talk about how many stupid fruit bat wings dropped
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I get considerably better Frilakh Broodling Scale drops than you do, it seems. Getting the spider fangs and broodling scales took killing the mobs whenever I saw them, but I still got all I wanted before I was comfortable soloing in Fearstone. Also, I did all of the Wood Elf Rogue newbie armor quests, and the bottleneck there was with the bear drops.

I do feel that all the uses of broodling scales warrants a higher drop rate, while bats become a nuisance to be around by level 3.
I get considerably better Frilakh Broodling Scale drops than you do, it seems. Getting the spider fangs and broodling scales took killing the mobs whenever I saw them, but I still got all I wanted before I was comfortable soloing in Fearstone. Also, I did all of the Wood Elf Rogue newbie armor quests, and the bottleneck there was with the bear drops.

I do feel that all the uses of broodling scales warrants a higher drop rate, while bats become a nuisance to be around by level 3.

Interesting, maybe I've just been totally unlucky =( Or perhaps they've just been running around in other places while I've grinded away within a relatively small area...either way, even if broodling and spider spawns are around where they should be right now I think there are just way too many bats
Definitely agree with the spiderling spawn increase!
If it is a matter of not giving too many silks than reduce the silk drops on them.
4 characters have all the items max turn ins but the spiderling fangs
even with a tracker I cant find the things and the fangs themselves are a not so common drop
I've the same experience with super-low spawn rates of spiders/broodlings. I've collect 40+ fruit bat wings, but only ~15 fangs/scales.
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