Keep Getting Disconnected =(


Dalayan Beginner
Just about everytime I zone, I get disconnected and kicked to the login screen. This has been happening way more than it should (as in EVERYTIME I zone). Also, my lag-o-meter keeps going really low into the reds and yellows acting like I'm about to get disconnected, but i never do, my character just lags. I'm pretty sure it could be do to my connection (56k ;( ), but i have a few friends that are also playing in my area with the same connection, that don't lag at all and play just fine.

My system specs are:
Windows XP: Pro
1023 MB DDR Ram
AMD 64 3400
GeForce FX 5950 Ultra
56K Modem
Yep, it still happens EVERYTIME I zone, and I am using the same ISP as two of them.
You can try this
If that doesn't work, try putting your computer in the DMZ zone and see if that fixes anything (though it should only be used to test if it works or not).[/url]
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